I’m going to message B2B SaaS Founders
- B2B SaaS Founders - the core audience
- North America - to keep my sanity across timezones
- Under $1MM ARR - they don't have the budget for a big marketing hire or consultant
- Been a founder for less than a year - they're just going to market
- Posts on LinkedIn frequently - they are trying to drive sales or awareness
I want to get 100 Subscribers in the first 4 weeks
30 Subscriptions from new connections
600 Connection requests
300 Accepted Requests (50% Accept rate is my benchmark)
30 Subscribers (10% conversion rate seems reasonable)
70 Subscriptions from current connections
Message 210 connections
70 subscribers (I think my existing connections will convert 3x better)
Here’s how I’m going to do it
- Find the audience on Sales Navigator (both my connections and new people)
- Write a 2-message script telling them what the newsletter is and asking them to join with a second message to nudge them if they don't respond.
- Connect with the new audience